Source code for usim._basics.tracked

import operator
from weakref import WeakSet

from typing import Callable, Union, Any, Generic, TypeVar, Generator, Awaitable

from .._primitives.notification import postpone
from .._primitives.condition import Condition

#: Type of a (tracked) value
V = TypeVar('V')
#: Right Hand Side type of an operation
RHS = TypeVar('RHS')

class AsyncComparison(Condition):
    An asynchronous comparison of a :py:class:`~.Tracked` value

    This represents expressions of the form ``tracked == 1992``
    or ``tracked_a == tracked_b``. All comparison operators are
    supported. Like any :py:class:`~.Condition`, it can be used both
    in an asynchronous and boolean context.
    _operator_symbol = { '<',
        operator.le: '<=',
        operator.eq: '==', '!=', '>=', '>',
    _operator_inverse = {,, operator.le,
        operator.eq:, operator.eq,

    def __bool__(self):
        return self._test()

    def __invert__(self):
        return AsyncComparison(
            self._left, self._operator_inverse[self._condition], self._right

    def __init__(
            left: 'Tracked',
            condition: Callable[[Any, Any], bool],
            right: Union[object, 'Tracked']
        self._condition = condition
        self._left = left
        self._right = right
        if isinstance(left, Tracked):
            if isinstance(right, Tracked):
                self._test = lambda: condition(left.value, right.value)
                self._test = lambda: condition(left.value, right)
            raise TypeError(
                "the left-hand-side in a %s must be of type %s" %
                (self.__class__.__name__, Tracked.__name__)

    def __on_changed__(self):
        if self._test():

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{self._left} {self._operator_symbol[self._condition]} {self._right}'

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._left!r}, '\
               f'operator.{self._condition.__name__}, {self._right!r})'

[docs]class Tracked(Generic[V]): """ A mutable value whose changes are tracked to generate and trigger events The purpose of a tracked value is to derive notification points on the fly. Comparison and mathematical expressions define and trigger events, respectively: .. code:: python async def refill(coffee: Tracked[float]): while True: # boolean expression providing an event to wait for await (coffee < 0.1) print('Coffee is low! Initiating emergency refill!') # arithmetic expression triggering events of waiters await (coffee + 0.9) print('Coffee refilled! Emergency resolved!') The purpose of :py:class:`~.Tracked` is to make operations asynchronous - the actual operations are taken from the wrapped value. This dictates both the availability and effect of operations. :py:class:`~.Tracked` does not require its underlying ``value`` to be mutable. Instead, the underlying ``value`` is replaced when :py:class:`~.Tracked` changes - for example, ``await (tracked + 5)`` is a shorthand for ``await tracked.set(tracked.value + 5)``. This works both for immutable types, such as :py:class:`int`, and mutable types, such as :py:class:`list`. :py:class:`~.Tracked` assumes sole responsibility for changing ``value``. This means that ``value`` should be changed only via :py:meth:`~.set` or async operators, such as ``await (tracked + 3)``. Circumventing this to change a mutable ``value`` directly prevents :py:class:`~.Tracked` from detecting the change and triggering events. """ @property def value(self) -> V: """The current value""" return self._value def __init__(self, value: V): self._value = value self._listeners = WeakSet() # type: WeakSet[AsyncComparison] def __add_listener__(self, listener: AsyncComparison): """Add a new listener for changes""" self._listeners.add(listener)
[docs] async def set(self, to: V): """Set the value""" self._value = to for listener in list(self._listeners): listener.__on_changed__() await postpone()
# boolean operations producing an AsyncComparison def __lt__(self, other): return AsyncComparison(self,, other) def __le__(self, other): return AsyncComparison(self, operator.le, other) def __eq__(self, other): return AsyncComparison(self, operator.eq, other) def __ne__(self, other): return AsyncComparison(self,, other) def __ge__(self, other): return AsyncComparison(self,, other) def __gt__(self, other): return AsyncComparison(self,, other) # modifying operators def __add__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__add__, other) def __sub__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__sub__, other) def __mul__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__mul__, other) def __matmul__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__matmul__, other) def __truediv__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__truediv__, other) def __floordiv__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__floordiv__, other) def __mod__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__mod__, other) def __pow__(self, power, modulo=None) -> 'Union[AsyncOperation[V], Awaitable]': if modulo is None: return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__pow__, power) return self.set(pow(self.value, power, modulo)) def __lshift__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__lshift__, other) def __rshift__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__rshift__, other) def __and__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__and__, other) def __or__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__or__, other) def __xor__(self, other) -> 'AsyncOperation[V]': return AsyncOperation(self, operator.__xor__, other) def __radd__(self, other): raise TypeError( "tracked object does not support reflected operators\n" "Use 'await (tracked + 4)' instead of 'await (4 + tracked)'" ) __rsub__ = __rmul__ = __rmatmul__ = __rtruediv__ = __rfloordiv__ = __rmod__\ = __rdivmod__ = __rpow__ = __rlshift__ = __rrshift__ = __rand__ = __rxor__\ = __ror__ = __radd__ # augmented operators # Python currently does not support await for augmented assignment, as in # await a += 20 def __iadd__(self, other): raise TypeError("tracked object does not support augmented assignment\n" "Use 'tracked = await (tracked + 4)' instead") __isub__ = __imul__ = __imatmul__ = __itruediv__ = __ifloordiv__ = __imod__\ = __ipow__ = __ilshift__ = __irshift__ = __iand__ = __ixor__ = __ior__\ = __iadd__ def __bool__(self): raise TypeError( "tracked object has no bool()\n" "Use 'bool(tracked.value)' or 'await (tracked == True)' instead" ) if __debug__: def __await__(self): raise TypeError( "Tracked object can't be used in await expression\n" "Use a derived condition or expression instead:\n" "* 'await (tracked + 2)' to set the value based on its current value\n" "* 'await tracked.set(21)' to set the value to a fixed value\n" "* 'await (tracked == 21)' to proceed once a value is reached\n" "\n" "Availability of operators depends on the type of the tracked value." ) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._value})'
class AsyncOperation(Generic[V, RHS]): r""" An asynchronous operation on a :py:class:`~.Tracked` value This represents expressions of the form ``tracked + 1992``. All operators are supported, provided the underlying type supports them. The operation is only realised when ``await``\ ed, in which case the underlying :py:attr:`~.Tracked.value` is changed. """ __slots__ = ('_base', '_operator', '_rhs') _operator_symbol = { operator.add: '+', operator.sub: '-', operator.mul: '*', operator.matmul: '@', operator.truediv: '/', operator.floordiv: '//', operator.mod: '%', operator.pow: '**', operator.lshift: '<<', operator.rshift: '>>', operator.and_: '&', operator.or_: '|' } def __init__(self, base: Tracked[V], op: Callable[[V, RHS], V], rhs: RHS): assert not isinstance(rhs, Tracked),\ "Operations on Tracked values require one untracked value" self._base = base self._operator = op self._rhs = rhs def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: base = self._base yield from base.set( self._operator(base.value, self._rhs) ).__await__() def __str__(self): return f'{self._base} {self._operator_symbol[self._operator]} {self._rhs}' def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._base!r}, '\ f'operator.{self._operator.__name__}, {self._rhs!r})'