Source code for usim._concurrent.basics

from typing import Coroutine, Any, TypeVar, Awaitable, AsyncIterator, Optional, List

from .._primitives.context import Scope
from .._basics.streams import Queue

import asyncstdlib as a

RT = TypeVar('RT')

async def _first_monitor(contestant: Awaitable[RT], queue: Queue):
    result = await contestant
    await queue.put(result)

[docs]async def first( *activities: Coroutine[Any, Any, RT], count: Optional[int] = 1, ) -> AsyncIterator[RT]: """ Run all ``activities`` concurrently to get the first ``count`` results available :param activities: activities to run concurrently :param count: maximum number of results :return: async iterable of results :raises usim.Concurrent: if any of the ``activities`` raise an exception :raises ValueError: if ``count`` is bigger than number of ``activities`` If there are more results than ``count``, any remaining ``activities`` are aborted after yielding the last result. If there are less results than ``count``, the iterator finishes after yielding the last result. If ``count`` is :py:data:`None`, the iterator provides all results. Results are always yielded in the order of becoming available. The initial order of ``activities`` is irrelevant. """ results: Queue[RT] = Queue() count = count if count is not None else len(activities) if count > len(activities): raise ValueError( f"cannot provide {count} results from {len(activities)} activities" ) async with Scope() as scope: for activity in activities: _first_monitor(activity, queue=results), volatile=True, ) async for winner in a.islice(results, count): yield winner
[docs]async def collect(*activities: Coroutine[Any, Any, RT]) -> List[RT]: """ Run all ``activities`` concurrently to provide all results :param activities: activities to run concurrently :return: list of results :raises usim.Concurrent: if any of the ``activities`` raise an exception Results are always yielded in the order of the ``activities`` producing them; the order at which individual ``activities`` finish is irrelevant. However, results are only available after all ``activities`` are finished. """ async with Scope() as scope: tasks = [ for activity in activities] return [await task for task in tasks]