Source code for usim._primitives.locks

from typing import Coroutine

from .._core.handler import __USIM_STATE__
from .notification import Notification, NoSubscribers

[docs]class Lock: """ Synchronization primitive that may be acquired by only one Activity at a time Locks enforce mutually exclusive access for Activities, by allowing only one owner at any time. Activities can acquire ownership of a :py:class:`~.Lock` only via an ``async with`` context, and automatically release when exiting the block: .. code:: python async with lock: ... Ownership of a lock is inherently tied to a specific :term:`activity`; it is not possible to acquire and release a :py:class:`~.Lock` across several activities. Every lock is re-entrant for its owning :term:`activity`: an Activity can acquire the same lock multiple times. This allows using Locks safely in recursive calls. """ __slots__ = ('_notification', '_owner', '_depth') def __init__(self): self._notification = Notification() self._owner = None # type: Coroutine self._depth = 0 @property def available(self) -> bool: """ Check whether the current Task can acquire this lock Entering a :py:class:`~.Lock` in its context manager does not allow backing off when the :py:class:`~.Lock` cannot be acquired. Availability of a :py:class:`~.Lock` should be checked if it shall only be acquired when available. .. code:: python3 if lock.available: # only acquire lock if possible with lock: ... else: ... """ if self._owner is None: return True else: return self._owner is __USIM_STATE__.loop.activity async def __aenter__(self): current_activity = __USIM_STATE__.loop.activity if self._owner is None: self._owner = current_activity elif self._owner is not current_activity: try: await self._notification except BaseException: # we are the designated owner, pass on ownership if self._owner == current_activity: self.__release__() raise self._depth += 1 return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): assert exc_type is GeneratorExit or self._owner == __USIM_STATE__.loop.activity self._depth -= 1 if self._depth == 0: self.__release__() return False def __release__(self): try: candidate, signal = self._notification.__awake_next__() except NoSubscribers: self._owner = None else: self._owner = candidate def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}, owner={self._owner!r}, '\ f'depth={self._depth}>' if __debug__: def __enter__(self): raise AttributeError( "Lock does not implement '__enter__'\n\n" "A lock cannot be acquired in a regular context.\n" "Use an 'async with' context instead." ) def __exit__(self): raise AttributeError( "Lock does not implement '__exit__'\n\n" "A lock cannot be acquired in a regular context.\n" "Use an 'async with' context instead." )