Source code for

from typing import TypeVar, List, Callable, NamedTuple, Any

from sortedcontainers import SortedList

from .base import Get, Put, BaseResource
from collections import deque

T = TypeVar('T', covariant=True)

[docs]class StoreGet(Get[T]): """Request to get an ``item`` out of the ``resource``"""
[docs]class StorePut(Put[T]): """Request to put an ``item`` into the ``store``""" def __init__(self, store: 'Store', item: T): self.item = item super().__init__(store)
[docs]class Store(BaseResource[T]): """ Resource with a fixed ``capacity`` of slots for storing arbitrary objects A process can :py:meth:`~.put` in specific items, provided there is enough ``capacity``. A process can :py:meth:`~.get` the next available item out of the store, provided there are any in the store. If the ``capacity`` is reached or if there are no items, the respective request is delayed. The :py:class:`~.Store` serves objects in first-in-first-out order. .. hint:: **Migrating to μSim** To pass items between activities, use a :py:class:`~usim.basics.Queue`. Queues store items for later retrieval: .. code:: python3 queue = Queue() # put an item into the queue await queue.put(1) # get an item out of the queue item = await queue In addition to adding or retrieving individual items, it is possible to subscribe to a queue by iteration: .. code:: python3 async for item in queue: print(item) Even with several subscribers, a :py:class:`~usim.basics.Queue` yields every item only once. """ def __init__(self, env, capacity=float('inf')): if capacity <= 0: raise ValueError("capacity must be greater than 0") super().__init__(env, capacity) self._items = deque() @property def items(self) -> List[T]: """The currently available items in the store""" return list(self._items)
[docs] def get(self) -> StoreGet[T]: """Get an item out of the store""" return StoreGet(self)
[docs] def put(self, item: T) -> StorePut[T]: """Put an ``item`` into the store""" return StorePut(self, item)
def _do_put(self, event: StorePut): if len(self._items) < self._capacity: self._items.append(event.item) event.succeed() return True return False def _do_get(self, event: StoreGet): try: item = self._items.popleft() except IndexError: return False else: event.succeed(item) return True
[docs]class FilterStoreGet(StoreGet[T]): """ Request to get an ``item`` out of the ``resource`` if it passes ``filter`` The ``filter`` function is applied to all :py:attr:`~.FilterStore.items` of a store, and the first for which ``filter(item)`` returns :py:const:`True` is the result. """ def __init__(self, resource, filter: Callable[[T], bool] = lambda item: True): self.filter = filter super().__init__(resource)
def accept_any(item: Any) -> bool: """Default :py:class:`~.FilterStore` filter to accept any item""" return True
[docs]class FilterStore(Store[T]): """ Resource with a fixed ``capacity`` of slots for storing arbitrary objects Requests to :py:meth:`~.get` items support a ``filter``, which limits the objects that satisfy the request. A request may not be satisfied if the store contains only items that do not match the request ``filter``. Pending requests remain queued until a valid item appears in the store. While requests are *served* in first-in-first-out order, they are not *granted* in first-in-first-out order if items fail the ``filter`` of earlier requests. In addition, a request has to inspect *all* items in the store to conclude it cannot be granted. In the worst case, a store with ``n`` items and ``m`` request takes ``O(mn)`` to get or put items. """ def __init__(self, env, capacity=float('inf')): super().__init__(env, capacity) self._items = []
[docs] def get(self, filter: Callable[[T], bool] = accept_any) -> FilterStoreGet[T]: """Get an item out of the store that satisfies ``filter``""" return FilterStoreGet(self, filter)
def _do_get(self, event: FilterStoreGet): event_filter = event.filter try: index = next( index for index, item in enumerate(self._items) if event_filter(item) ) except StopIteration: return False else: event.succeed(self._items.pop(index)) return True
[docs]class PriorityItem(NamedTuple): """ Helper to sort an unorderable ``item`` by a ``priority`` This class implements a total ordering based on ``priority``; ``item`` is ignored for comparisons. This allows using an arbitrary ``item`` in a :py:class:`~.PriorityStore` with a well-defined ``priority``. The original :py:class:`` only properly provides ``a < b`` ordering; all other comparisons may compare ``item``. :py:mod:`` provides well-defined total ordering. """ priority: float item: Any # actually a T, but NamedTuple cannot be Generic in Py3.6 # Note: NamedTuple already makes all comparisons as a tuple, # e.g. (self.priority, self.item) < (other.priority, other.item) # This is totally *not* the point of this class. We need to define # all comparisons methods to hide those from NamedTuple. def __lt__(self, other: 'PriorityItem'): if not isinstance(other, PriorityItem): return NotImplemented return self.priority < other.priority def __gt__(self, other: 'PriorityItem'): if not isinstance(other, PriorityItem): return NotImplemented return self.priority > other.priority def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PriorityItem): return NotImplemented return self.priority == other.priority def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs]class PriorityStore(Store[T]): """ Resource with a fixed ``capacity`` of slots for storing arbitrary objects in order The :py:attr:`~.items` of the store are maintained in sorted order, with smaller items stored and served first. All items in the store must support ``a < b`` comparisons. To store unorderable items, use :py:class:`~.PriorityItem`. """ def __init__(self, env, capacity=float('inf')): super().__init__(env, capacity) self._items = SortedList() def _do_put(self, event): if len(self._items) < self._capacity: self._items.add(event.item) event.succeed() return True return False def _do_get(self, event): try: item = self._items.pop(0) except IndexError: return False else: event.succeed(item) return True