Concurrent Activities and Exceptions

In complex simulations, it is inevitable that things go wrong sometimes - in some cases, failure is even an expected part of the simulation itself. This makes it important to make failures explicit, but also to have tools to handle them.

μSim extends the normal Python Exception model with two additions: A Scope can perform multiple actions at once, and thus may encounter several failures at once. Similarly, several Concurrent exceptions may need to be handled individually or all at once.

Concurrency and Exceptions

The purpose of a Scope is to do() activities concurrently, alongside a main activity represented by the Scope body itself. Consequently, we can separate exceptions into synchronous exceptions in the body, or Concurrent exceptions in a child activity.

Demo that randomly fails in the body or child of a Scope

async def araise(what: BaseException):
    raise what

async def scope_exception_demo():
    async with Scope() as scope:
        delay = random.random()
            araise(RuntimeError('child')),  # A: concurrent exception
        await (time + 1 - delay)
        raise RuntimeError('body')          # B: synchronous exception

Any exception that happens synchronously in the body is a failure of the Scope itself. In the example, the RuntimeError('body') will teardown the scope and then propagate onwards.

Any exception that happens concurrently in a child is a failure of the payloads, not the Scope. In the example, the RuntimeError('child') will cause the Scope to shut down and re-raise the exception as a Concurrent(RuntimeError('child')).

Handling Concurrent Exceptions

The Concurrent exception model is made to integrate with Python’s regular try/except exception handling machinery. Synchronous exceptions do not need any extra effort to handle. The Concurrent exceptions have the required, additional error handling built in. To handle a Concurrent exception of a specific type, use except Concurrent[ExceptionType] instead of except ExceptionType.

Demo for handling concurrent/synchronous exceptions

async def handle_exception_demo()
        await scope_exception_demo()
    except RuntimeError as err:
        print('Handled synchronous exception:', err)
    except Concurrent[RuntimeError] as err:
        print('Handled concurrent exception:', err)

μSim guarantees that you never have to handle both a regular and a Concurrent exception at the same time - it is an “either or” situation. Consequently, you can safely use separate error handlers for either exception flavour. Concurrent exceptions follow the regular subclassing relations of exceptions – for example, Concurrent[LookupError] matches both Concurrent[KeyError] and Concurrent[IndexError].


μSim considers the use of a Scope an implementation detail of functions and abstractions that should not be visible to users. Consequently, we handle any Concurrent exception internally and only propagate regular exceptions. While this is not enforced for custom functions and abstractions, we strongly recommend to adhere to this convention.

Concurrency Privileges

μSim itself is a highly concurrent, exception driven library. This means that certain exceptions must propagate unobstructed, while others are suppressed at well-defined points. In order not to require users to manually adhere to such unwritten rules, μSim has a concept for exception privileges in concurrent situations.

Task local exceptions

Python’s GeneratorExit and μSim’s internal Interrupt represent the teardown of a Task or parts of it. In the Task they belong to, these exceptions will replace all other synchronous or concurrent exceptions; otherwise, they are suppressed. As a result, you do not have to worry about re-raising an Interrupt and you should never encounter a Concurrent[GeneratorExit], for example.

Application global exceptions

Python’s SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, and AssertionError 1 represent the teardown of the entire simulation. These exceptions supersede any synchronous and concurrent exceptions, and are always propagated as regular, synchronous exceptions.

As a result, μSim will do the correct thing by default. You only have to worry about μSim’s internal exceptions if you use catch-all exception handlers such as except BaseException: or even except:. In case you are unsure, raise at the end of a handler to let exceptions propagate.

Handling Multiple Exceptions

Concurrency means that several child tasks may fail at the same time. As a result, a Concurrent exception may contain several failures at once.

Demo that fails in multiple children of a Scope

async def multi_exception_demo():
    async with Scope() as scope:'A')))    # A'B')))      # B'C')))    # C
        await (time + 2)                     # async exceptions arrive here'D')))      # D

This example will propagate a single exception Concurrent exception containing IndexError('A'), KeyError('B'), and IndexError('C') – the KeyError('D') is suppressed by the scope stopping itself and its children. The type of the exception includes all types of its child exceptions, namely Concurrent[IndexError, KeyError]. Note that neither the number nor order of exceptions is captured in the type.

Use [] to specialise precisely which concurrent failure you want to handle. Multiple subtypes represent an “and” relation – Concurrent[X, Y] requires both X and Y exceptions to be thrown at the same time. Including a literal ... means that additional subtypes are allowed – Concurrent[X, Y, ...] matches both X and Y plus zero or more others. Use Concurrent[...] to handle any concurrent exception.

Specializing concurrent exceptions

    await some_failure()
except X:
    print('Handled a synchronous X exception')
except Y, Concurrent[Y]:
    print('Handled a synchronous or concurrent Y exception')
except Concurrent[X, Z]:
    print('Handled a concurrent X and Z exception')
except Concurrent[X], Concurrent[Z]:
    print('Handled a concurrent X or a concurrent Z exception')

As with exception handling in general, avoid too broad exception cases. Prefer specific exceptions over general ones, e.g. Concurrent[KeyError] over Concurrent[LookupError] or even Concurrent[Exception]. If possible, use exact exception subtypes over open ones, e.g. Concurrent[KeyError, RuntimeError] instead of Concurrent[KeyError, ...]. Finally, we recommend using Concurrent[...] only if you want to suppress concurrent exceptions unconditionally.

Propagating Exceptions Best-Practices

Whether an activity uses concurrency or not is usually not obvious. Unless explicitly documented, a Concurrent exception propagating out of an activity is likely unexpected. As such, avoid propagating Concurrent exceptions whenever possible!

All abstractions in μSim convert internal Concurrent exceptions to regular exceptions. Only Scope and derived types may raise Concurrent exceptions when exiting an async with context. The intention is to hide implementation details, while allowing full control on expected concurrency.

We strongly recommend to similarly avoid propagating Concurrent exceptions if possible. When unavoidable, do not expose nested concurrency but propagate a flattened() exception.


For the use of AssertionError by μSim, see also Usage Assertions and Performance.