Branch Out

Many simulations need additional, concurrent activities in addition to their initial activities. However, concurrent programming is error-prone when actions are separated from each other. To handle this safely, μSim requires existing activities to branch out only temporarily.

Activities may branch out only after defining a scope of concurrency. The most basic scope is opened by entering an async with Scope() context. In turn, a scope may do several activities at once while it is active.

Lesson 02: Using a Concurrent Scope

In this example, we define an activity that uses a Scope to concurrently run another activity several times. Scopes are opened using ``async with Scope() as <name>:, followed by a block of actions which it covers. 1 We again use usim.time to track and influence the progression of our simulation.

>>> from usim import time, Scope
>>> async def deliver_one(which):
...     print('Delivering', which, 'at',
...     await (time + 5)
...     print('Delivered', which, 'at',
>>> async def deliver_all():
...     print('-- Start deliveries at',
...     async with Scope() as drivers:             # 1
...             # 2
...         await (time + 1)                       # 3
...         print('Sent deliveries at',  # 4.1
...     print('-- Done deliveries at',   # 4.2

Scopes can be difficult because they are inherently about doing several things at once. It helps to step through individual points of notice:

  1. A scope must always be opened as an async with context - this allows us to suspend and resume branched off activities. You can freely choose a name; we recommend a name that reflects your simulation story.

  2. Activities are branched off using in place of await activity. The current activity does not wait for the branched off activity to start or finish at this point.

  3. The current activity is free to perform other actions inside a scope. This includes calling functions and awaiting notifications, or using loops/functions to create more activities to do.

  4. Transitioning out of a scope is delayed until all branched off activities have finished. 2 Statements directly before and after the end of scope do not happen in the same turn.

The primary purpose of scopes is to keep concurrent activities comprehensible.

>>> from usim import run
>>> run(deliver_all())
-- Start deliveries at 0
Delivering 1 at 0
Delivering 2 at 0
Sent deliveries at 1
Delivering 3 at 1
Delivered 1 at 5
Delivered 2 at 5
Delivered 3 at 6
-- Done deliveries at 6

Let’s take a step back…

So far, we have just run all activities to completion. Head over to the next section to cancel activities and notifications.


Notably, the block of the scope may contain other blocks and call out to functions. The scope applies to all of them, and can be passed down to functions if needed.


The exception are volatile activities.